Mammorx Glass Fibre Breast Board – Mr Safe – CFB-001/MR
Dimensions: L 100.1 cm x W 43.1 cm x H 3.6cm | Weight: 6.98 kg | Materials: Fibreglass, low density foam, RENY, phenolic, polyurethane, Fibreglass reinforced polyamide, titanium.

The MammoRx Breast Board with accessories provides the immobilisation and positioning system necessary to accurately set up and reproduce a breast patient’s position for simulation and treatment. The board is crafted from a core of high strength foam covered with a thin skin of carbon fibre. This makes it light weight, strong and radiographically transparent. There are several options to support the head, arms, hands and wrists. The board can be elevated in different
angles from 0° to 22.5°.