Electron Density Phantom Model 062M
Correlate CT Numner and Tissue Electron Density

Correlate CT Numner and Tissue Electron Density
Because CT scans are used to correct for tissue inhomogeneities in radiation therapy treatment planning, it’s important to obtain a precise relationship between CT number (in Hounsfield units) and electron densities. The Electron Density Phantom enables precise correlation of CT data to electron density of various tissues and is manufactured from CIRS tissue equivalent materials.
Tissue Equivalent Technology
The phantom consists of two nested disks made from Plastic Water®-LR. The disks can represent both head and abdomen configurations. Nine different tissue equivalent electron density plugs can be positioned at 17 locations within the scan field. Included is a vial plug that can be filled with any fluid. Optional distance marker plugs enable quick assessment of the CT scanner’s distance measurement accuracy.
Improved Accuracy
Physicists performing treatment planning need accurate tools to evaluate CT scan data, correct for inhomogeneities and to document the relationship between CT number and tissue density. To improve the accuracy of your treatment planning, consider the Electron Density Phantom.
- Evaluate CT scan data
- Correct for inhomogeneities
- Document relationship between CT number and tissue electron density
- Simulate indicated tissue within the diagnostic energy range
- Quickly assess distance registration