Daily ISO Phantom
ACCURATE • ECONOMICAL • EASY TO USE Accurate radiation dose delivery requires daily checks of the alignment between the true radiation isocenter and the isocenters of the imaging, localization and targeting systems. The CIRS Daily ISO Phantom provides a cost-effective, quick, and accurate means for testing isocenter coincidence. Using the Daily ISO Phantom, LINAC lasers and light field can be “tuned” to the true radiation isocenter using the engraved markings on the phantom’s exterior. The light field and radiation field alignment can be checked using built-in radiographic markers. More importantly, the isocenters of both the OBI and the EPID can be checked for true spatial alignment and coincidence with that of the treatment beam.

The Daily ISO Phantom contains a center and offset target. Both targets measure 6.35 mm in diameter and are made of ceramic. Together, the center target and engraved external concentric circles provide greater accuracy when localizing the center of the phantom to the center of the radiation field. The offset target is used to ensure the table offset coordinates generated by kV/MV matching are accurate.
The ISO Base™ is used to position and level the Daily ISO Phantom on the treatment couch. It contains integrated pixel calibration targets recognized by ISO Analyze™.
6DOF ISO Base™ is designed for positioning and leveling of the Daily ISO Phantom and quick calculation of complex 3D shifts of RT treatment systems with an integrated 6DOF robotic couch. 6DOF ISO Base integrates with ISO Analyze™ and maintains all functionality of ISO Base™.
ISO Analyze™ integrates with the Daily ISO Phantom, ISO Base™ and 6DOF ISO Base™ enabling user-friendly quality control of the LINAC isocenters by analyzing DICOM images acquired with the EPID, kV and CBCT. Controls are run automatically, analyzing images of the phantom and quantifying a large number of evaluation parameters. The software allows users to easily generate, save and print a report for each preceding control.
The phantom, base and software were designed for daily system checks. Results from ISO Analyze can be used to determine what adjustments are needed to align LINAC laser and light fields to the true radiation isocenter. The light field and radiation field alignment can be checked using the phantom’s built-in radiographic markers. More importantly, the isocenters of both the CBCT and the EPID can be checked for true spatial alignment and coincidence with that of the treatment beam.
- Unique fiducials produce sharp clear images in EPID, kV and CBCT imaging
- Offset target fiducial checks the accuracy of couch corrections
- Perform the following tests:
- Check laser alignment
- Light field size verification
- kV and MV imager coincidence
- CBCT process accuracy
- OBI accuracy
- Couch shift accuracy
- Radiation field/ light field alignment