Brachytherapy QA Phantom Model 045B
Solution to AAPM TG128 - A robust prostate brachytherapy QA program is ensures accurate image-guidance and dosimetry calculations. The CIRS Model 045B offers a complete solution for implementing a QA program specific to trans-rectal ultrasound guidance of prostate brachytherapy, as recommended by AAPM Task Group 128.

Solution to AAPM TG128
A robust prostate brachytherapy QA program is ensures accurate image-guidance and dosimetry calculations. The CIRS Model 045B offers a complete solution for implementing a QA program specific to trans-rectal ultrasound guidance of prostate brachytherapy, as recommended by AAPM Task Group 128.
The phantom enables users to check key imaging parameters such as depth of penetration, axial and lateral resolution, distance, area, volume, and geometric consistency with the treatment planning system.
The phantom is supplied with a water tank for vertically coupling the transducer to the phantom scanning membrane. Brachytherapy needle grid QA can be accomplished using the space available inside the water tank as specified by Goldstein et al.
The tank has two angled slots to allow the phantom to be positioned at a 30° angle which simplifies use with floor-mounted TRUS systems. When testing table-mounted TRUS systems, the phantom membrane can be oriented vertically.
- Geometric Consistency with the treatment planning computer
- Water tank allows for phantom coupling and needle guidance measurements