Invenia ABUS Phantom Model ATS UC-551M

Invenia ABUS Phantom Model ATS UC-551M

Designed for Use with GE’s Invenia ABUS Scanner


Designed for Use with GE’s Invenia ABUS Scanner

The CIRS Model ATS UC-551M, a modified version of the ATS Model 551 Small Parts Phantom, is designed for use with GE’s Invenia ABUS scanner. The scan surface has a 17.5-inch radius of curvature, which matches the shape of the Invenia ABUS scan head.

The rubber-based tissue mimicking material has a sound velocity of 1450 m/sec and an attenuation of 0.5dB/cm/MHz at room temperature (23°C).To ensure measurement accuracy, CIRS incorporates a thermometer strip affixed to the outside surface of the phantom housing.

The phantom is packaged in a carrying case providing added protection during transporting and storage. GE-recommended QA test procedures for the Invenia ABUS and Invenia ABUS 2.0 scanners are provided in separate documents.

Performance measures

  • Axial Measurement Accuracy
  • Lateral Measurement Accuracy
  • Axial and Lateral Resolution
  • Contrast Resolution
  • SNR: Signal to Noise Ratio
